Who We Are
Bizzy Brahmans is situated on the mighty Clarence River, 40kms north west of Grafton NSW. Innes and Jessica Fahey, along with their children Lacey, Rocky, Olivia and Logan run the predominantly red Bizzy Brahman Stud on their Property ‘Rocky Creek’.
A long history of breeding quality stud and commercially focused Brahman and Brangus Bulls and Females, the stud was established in 1976 by Michael and Elizabeth Fahey.
Bizzy Brahmans consists of approximately 100 Brahman females and in addition run the stud alongside a commercial herd of 250 Brahman/ Brahman cross breeders that are mated with Charolais, Angus and Simmental bulls to produce F1 Steers and Females for the weaner markets and special female/breeder sales.
Working hard to use the latest technology in IVF and embryo transfer to improve genetics, with stud females selected and proven semen purchased with the focus to further develop the polled genetics in the herd.
Genetic diversity is important to us and the breed, we have a strong local demand for both horned and polled bulls.
Pasture renovation to improve soil fertility is also being implemented at ‘Rocky Creek’ to maximize the lands potential, Oats in winter and Soybeans grown in summer are baled and wrapped for silage.
We look forward to showing this year at Rockhampton BEEF24.
Our annual Bull and Female sale is held on the first Saturday of September each year, this year being Saturday 7th September 2024 at the Grafton Regional Saleyards.
We invite current clients and any new clients to discuss their breeding/ marketing options with Bizzy Bulls and we welcome you to visit and inspect our herd by contacting Innes – 0448641447.
Sale preparations well underway @ bizzy brahmans
grafton show 2022
sale results
Sale ‘o’ Sale ‘o’ females on offer this saturday 26th march
Innes Fahey sells with the confidence of a stud breeder because he is one
Bizzy in the hands of the next generation
Bizzy Sale Introduction 2022
Heading to the Sale this Saturday
COVID Lockdown extension announced

Stud Sales
Sale Date – 7th September 2024
Bizzy and Jomanda Sale
The Bizzy and Jomanda Brahman Sale is held on the first Saturday in September at Grafton Saleyards. Pre-Sale open Days and Inspections by appointment available in the lead up to Sale.
Open Day – 25th August 2024
Sale Date –October 2024
Rockhampton Brahman Week
2020 was the first year Innes and Jessica catalogued Bizzy F bulls in the Rockhampton brahman week sale.
2 Red polled bulls sold to average $10,500. It had been over 10 years since Bizzy had offered bulls to the sale.
Innes and Jessica are looking forward to reconnecting Bizzy Brahmans to the Rockhampton Brahman week sale, with standout sires already selected for 2023
We will be attending
This year we are excited to be taking our show team to compete at BEEF 2024, Rockhampton 5-10th May.
Make sure you call in and see us!!
We also look forward to attending PRIMEX Casino which is also held in May. We will have a display of Females and Bulls that will be offered for sale at our annual Bizzy sale in September.
May 16th, 17th and 18th 2024.
Sale Date – 3rd August 2024
Rocky Creek Brangus
Saturday 3rd August 2024 we will be offering 5 Brangus bulls at the Donovan Livestock and Property Angus and Brangus Sale at Grafton Saleyards.
Rocky creek commercial herd consists of Brahman/ Brahman cross breeders that are mated with Charolais, Angus and Simmental Bulls.
F1 steers and females are sold at feature weaner sales, with a selection of females being offered at feature breeder sales.
February - Clarence Select Female and Breeder Sale
August - Grafton Angus and Brangus Bull and Female sale.